28–29 Mar 2026 367 days to go! #BostonOutdoorExpo

Susan Kovach

Susan Kovach is a New England native, raised in Maine, now living in New Hampshire. She’s always been a somewhat outdoorsy person but the passion really began in her 30s when her and her boyfriend Jarrett started to visit the U.S. National Parks. They’ve currently visited 25 parks since 2020 with plans to visit all 63. Besides tackling the trails in the National Parks, she’s also working on New Hampshire’s 48 4,000 footers and 52 With A View List. She also loves exploring the mountains in central Maine when she returns home to visit.
While she is still newer to the outdoor community and definitely feels a little bit of imposter syndrome, she wants to show people that hiking and adventuring can be for anyone, no matter age or athleticism. On her social media account @theadventuresofsuze, you can find trail reviews (from hikes all over the country), park reviews, road trip itineraries and highlights of the small businesses she visits during her travels.
When she’s not frolicking around in the woods or visiting the National Parks, she enjoys concerts, running, reading, photography, playing with her dog Tahoe and planning future trips.