Nicholl grew up running wild in the woods of Kodiak, Alaska. Although she was an avid hiker in her 20’s, she was attacked in a parking garage in college and PTSD made getting outdoors less accessible as solo hiking felt out of reach. As a mom, the struggle with postpartum anxiety and depression led her to seek out other parents in the same chapter of life to get back out on the trail. That is when OutGrown found her in the hazy days of new motherhood and forever changed her parenting journey. As a volunteer with OutGrown, she helped to build and grow nature-based parenting communities across the U.S. and has hiked with 11 branches in 9 states. As a parent, she has hiked THOUSANDS of miles with her children, possibly more than she hiked on her own. Her children have grown out of the baby-carrier phase, but Nicholl continues to dedicate her time to OutGrown as a member of the Board of Directors and dedicated community builder helping to raise the next generation to love the outdoors.
Nicholl Summers