Survival Skills Workshops with Jessie Krebs

OWLS Skills
Our mission is to educate and empower women and other underrepresented demographics in the skills of surviving emergency situations in global wilderness environments.
We’ll be holding workshops across the weekend to help people build their survival skills:
Saturday 11-11:30
The Fundamentals of FIRE: An incredibly useful tool, most of us modern humans struggle with birthing fire. Though we won’t be actually starting one, we will be learning principles and techniques that will drastically improve your fire-making skills. Handouts and note taking materials available for up to 20 people.
Saturday 3-3:45
Compass use and Scouting Technique: Many have gotten turned around and struggled to find their way, some even with compasses and GPS units, and still ended up in trouble. Knowing a few different ways to use a compass, and how to best scout for your needs is a handy skill. Compasses provided for up to 20 people.
Sunday 10:30-11:15
The Five Needs of a Survivor: In the military, we broke down a survivor’s needs into 5 categories. How you order them will depend on many factors, including the specific situation. Learn what the categories are and how they interrelate, to significantly increase your odds of surviving an emergency. Handouts and note taking materials provided.
Sunday 12:30-1:15
Foundational Knot Craft: At SERE we called knots the “hammer and nails” of a survivor. There are thousands of knots and when used effectively they can seem like magic. The applications are endless, never underestimate a simple strand of rope in knowledgable hands! Come learn the nomenclature and refresh or learn some basic knots. Practice ropes available for up to 20 folks.